Medailonek přednášejících – Nenad Miljković, PharmD, MPH, PhD
Nenad Miljković is the president of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP), the president of European Council for Pharmacy Education Accreditation (ECPhA) and the president of Hospital Pharmacy Section of Serbia. Nenad also serves as the Head of Hospital Pharmacy Services at the Institute of Orthopaedics Banjica in Belgrade, Serbia. He graduated at the Faculty of Pharmacy, the University of Belgrade, where he subsequently specialized and obtained a PhD in clinical pharmacy. Nenad also obtained a Dual Master Degree in European Public Health at the University of Sheffield in the UK, and at the University Sorbonne Paris Cite in France. He was the Scientific Advisory Board Member of the IMMUNION (Coalition for Vaccination) Project and currently he is the Advisory Board Member of the ASCERTAIN Project on the affordability and sustainability of innovative health technologies. Nenad was International Medis Award finalist and won the Pharmacist of the Year Award from the Pharmaceutical Chamber of Serbia. He led one of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action 15105- European Medicines Shortages Research Network working groups. Nenad Miljković’s research focuses on medicines shortages including patient clinical needs assessment and prospective risk evaluation, pharmacy education and healthcare services organization with numerous peer reviewed scientific publications in high impact journals. Nenad served as a guest speaker and a poster presenter at healthcare professional congresses in Europe and the USA in the field of medicine shortages.